
For the nth time, Cars by Disney Pixar is showing again on our TV. My son absolutely loves it and watches it once a day. I also have no choice but to watch it too since we only have one TV in the house. We must have watched it 20 times already, actually I have lost count. Z does not get tired watching it and loves the soundtrack and sings along with it - or try to sing along with it. S and I secretly chuckle whenever we hear his version. I must remember to get another DVD when we go out so maybe we can give Lightning McQueen his long deserved rest. Got any ideas?


Zeee said...

aw hubby's nephew also loves Cars...hmmm even memorized all the characters names and such...

not to mention all other pixar animated films, cartoons, etcetera etcetera etcetera

but hey, kids are kids...I remember mine...I was (still am!) a Disney fan (the animated ones, which means the real old films). I remember that I could say all the lines of the whole movie myself! lol

Deranged Insanity
Traipsey Turvey

Maybel Mateo said...

my son loves cars too...

faeryrowan said...

Hehehehehehehe! I guess that how kids are like when they love a certain movie. They can't help but watch it over and over and over again. And like Z'riz, my kids have reached the point of almost memorizing the lines of the movie's characters. Hehehe! They love Cars, too. Other movies my kids love watching are Kung Fu Panda (their latest obssession), Bee Movie, Ratatouille, Flushed Away...for starters. ;)

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