My New Eyeglasses

Eventhough I have poor eyesight, I didn't wear glasses for almost two years. After becoming a mother, my priority has been my son and as a result I put my needs have been put in second place. When we go to the mall, we always think of buying toys for Z but never for the things we need for ourselves. That's why it took me two years to buy my pair of glasses after I accidentally sat down on my previous pair. Wanna know what finally prompted me to buy a new pair of glasses? Well, I saw an offer online that I simply could not refuse - quality, stylish eyeglasses for the low price $8.00. I couldn't believe it at first because it has all the things I want in my glass: thin lens, UV protection, scratch resistant, and so many frames and colors to choose from and yet it was still so affordable. I had a hard time choosing the right one for me because there were so many styles to choose from but with the help of my husband, we finally chose a stylish silver-framed glasses. I have been wearing it for a month now and I certainly have no regrets.


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