Importance of Family Time

Our family really needs a vacation! We're always at home or at the mall and when we go out we just go visit our relatives. I was just reading a book with the title "What Parents Do to Mess Up their Kids" and it is truly one inspiring read. First of all, it affirms my decision that I'm on the right track that I decided to be a stay-at-home mother and second it opened my eyes that I'm still not giving him the attention that he needs. Sometimes I'm too preoccupied with my housework, my online job, or with other things. Sometimes we just buy our kids expensive toys to make up for the "guilt" that we have when we all know that our attention is more precious to them. The book talks importance of family activities playing together, doing household chores together, or just enjoying each others company and having meaningful conversation. It also said that the we should schedule family vacations together which led me to search for ideal vacation spots. If we have the resources to go overseas I would really like to to stay in Hotel Paris and experience the way the french live. I would want to taste authentic french food with their Bed and breakfast bordeaux. You can even enjoy as much as 20% discount in your reservation at Hotel paris. I'm sure Z would want such a vacation too because just yesterday he said he wanted to experience riding an airplane like the many airplanes that we see from our terrace. In the meantime we would just enjoy a boat ride at the nearby La Mesa Ecopark. I just checked their website and it sure has a lot of activities our family would enjoy like bike riding, fishing, swimming, and just enjoying nature. It will also be an educational experience for Z to see the dam where our actual tap water is coming from since he always asks me when he takes a bath where the water from our faucet comes from. I'm sure this vacation will be one of the most memorable moments that we have as a family.


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