Invaluable Lessons at the Homeschooling Conference

One of the reasons I decided to quit my job and stay at home was because I came from a broken family. I didn't want Z to experience growing up without a mother like I did and I felt guilty working away and being too tired to take care of him when I got home. It may be different with other mothers but I felt I was missing a huge part of his life by being away half of the time. I thought in order to have a strong relationship with my son I had to be a hands-on mom and be available 24/7. That was also the reason why I was convinced it was best to homeschool him especially in his early schooling years. My husband was not so convinced with the idea and so were the people we knew. I felt pressured to enroll him in school at age three. I seriously thought it was a waste of money, I believe mothers are still the best teachers of their kids. Our national hero himself was taught by no less than his mother during his early years and he didn't grow up that bad. But I felt alone in wanting to homeschool him without S's support. While attending church at CCF at St. Francis Square, I heard about the Homeschooling Convention which would feature talks about parenting and homeschooling your children. I decided to register right away and pay the P350 fee. My husband was hesitant to go because he has work the night before. But I was determined to go even if I was alone. Fortunately, S was really supportive because without my knowledge he decided to go on leave from his work the night before the convention so he can accompany me. We brought Z along even though the convention was from 8AM to 5PM because his would be baby sitter didn't come. The money we paid was really worth it because the talks by the different speakers inspired us and gave us insights to become better parents to Z. S became convinced too that homeschooling will be good for Z upon hearing personal accounts by parents who homeschooled their children and the children (now adults) themselves. Z was not too happy listening to different people speak for eight hours but he endured it all and was able to entertain himself at the end. I swear at one point he was even listening especially at the part when Pastor Tan-Chi was demonstrating the correct way of spanking children. His eyes grew big when the Pastor pointed at his belt! That event was really memorable for S and me, it was a day of learning together, planning for the future together, and just being in sync and having the same vision for our child and our family.


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