Funny but not so funny

Yesterday, I got mad at Z for making a mess of his toys. I have taught him to clean up his mess after playing but last time after a lot of prodding Z still refused to clean up his mess and even proceeded to make more mess. I finally lost it and got mad at him. He cried and picked up his toys. But while he was picking it up he did something that cracked me up. Imagine this, he was crying with tears streaming down his cheeks, he was picking up his toys one by one and then he blurted, "Daddy ko.... daddy ko...huhuhu...(My daddy!)" This took me by surprise and I couldn't hide my smile. It's nice that he loves his dad so much but deep down I also felt a twinge of envy because I am the one who spends time with him 24/7 but he still wants his dad.



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