iLASIK gets the Approval of NASA and Military
LASIK technology is used to treat eye conditions such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. This procedure has been considered as revolutionary and has already corrected the vision of millions of people. But there is a new procedure that even surpassed the LASIK's performance. Modern LASIK or iLASIK is the ultimate procedure in vision correction. It's success rate is amazing that even NASA and the US militar are depending on it to further enhance the performance of military personnel - especially those that hold critical missions. Both NASA and Department of National Defense has given their seal of approval for the iLASIK. The iLASIK procedure uses state-of the-art technology from 3-D mapping of the unique imperfections of the eye, to the use of two lasers - the first laser creates the corneal flap which is folded back allowing a second laser to corrects your vision by reshaping your cornea. The result is a quick and virtually painless procedure with more probability of 20/20 vision. Among 100 military personnel who underwent the iLASIK procedure, 95% achieved 20/20 vision or better and 100% would even recommend this procedure to their colleagues.
Our vision is really important, so with the advancements in laser eye correction technology, there's no more reason why people like me should suffer from poor vision.
You can ask your opthalmologist for more LASIK information.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
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