The Safest Way to Share Emails

As soon as I open my browser in the morning, the first thing I do is check my yahoo and gmail email. This has become my daily habit and I'm sure so do most people. Email is very important to me because here is where I get notified of job assignments that I need to finish for the day. So I don't like receiving unwanted emails with huge attachments that can take away my precious time and email space or emails with accidental viruses. Those emails can bring headache that's why when I heard about I knew my email problems will be soon over. This website can host the fun emails that you want to forward to your friends. What's more they will scan your email first therefore preventing email viruses, hoaxes, scams, clogged inboxes and storage space wasted by traditional email forwards. They also have fun rewards like itunes, amazon gift cards, Shell gift card, and even a $10 donation to your favorite charity to encourage people to use their service. It's so easy to use just send the email of your choice to You will then receive a link through your email from after they scan it. You can now share it with your friends and families. I checked their website and I was instantly hooked with their collection of fun emails. I would like to share with you a video I got from them that might give us hope for this brand new year.


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